S.M. Vinay Kumar - Missionary
Greetings from Indian churches of Christ - Hyderabad - Naidupet, India where there are 1.32 billion people in 29 states with many languages. The harvest is plenty as only 2.32% of the population is Christian. That leaves about 1 billion prospective souls of which we can share Jesus Christ! That is about 3Xs more souls available for Christ than the entire population of the United States!
The work in India is exciting! We have monthly preacher workshops where we have 22 preachers of which we train and equip people for the Gospel work throughout the country.
We meet with team leaders two times a year to discuss progress of the Ministry and new projects to extend the ministry into new geographical areas.
We have a Television Ministry which has extensive reach and viewership. We professionally record a recurring message and broadcast across the country. As a result of our Television Ministry, we have converted 16 preachers.
Gary & Nelda Lyons - Missionaries
We sow the seed, and let God give the increase. We preach “the whole counsel of God”. We have a strong emphasis on the Bible in all that we do. In our Bible classes, we try to give everyone a close, expository look at the Bible, God's Word.
Since we don't have a building, but meet in various members' homes on Wednesday nights, we try to tailor our Bible classes to perceived needs of the group that we will be teaching.
The Waimea assembly is a “small, but courageous” group of people and we encourage each of our members to be involved in some kind of evangelism. We run about 25 in number right now.
Anyone visiting is made to feel welcome and loved. And at the final “amen” of the day, the church-group “explodes” in loving, tender fellowship for one and all.
Our group is strong and we are reaching out into the community. Some of our visitors have commented that they think we are a lot like what we would find in the first century. To God be the glory!
Randy & Angela Warzecha - Missionaries
We continually thank Our Father for the gracious blessing and partnership in which He has joined us to take part with Him in sharing His Love and Saving Gospel in His Son with as many souls as possible!
We continue to thank God that He has given great fruit to the work He blessed us to begin here in Aracaju, Brazil in 2003, known as “School of The Bible” (Escola da Biblia). Since that time, praise Him, we have now had: over 1,200 people graduate from a course with us, over 350 baptisms, and what was once 2 congregations with a total of 15 members grow into 12 congregations with a total of some 170 members meeting in 7 cities and 4 different states!
Most of all we are thankful for what this means… souls saved, growing in Christ and reaching out to an ever-growing number with His Saving Love and Gospel!
Brazil - Preparing for full-immersion, baptism into Christ Jesus
Brazil - Rising out of the water a new creature in Christ
Brazil - Certificates are given to those completing courses at the School of The Bible
The Assembly in Brazil